October writing challenge day 11: Lose Something

Questions we ask God in the middle of a room with stares into the night

Off the cusp of insanity and thriving into something we don’t know but need

For testimonies and our faith feels like something authentic

Something not made with hands, crafted in experience through which his words proved as truth

Contrary to our constraints resilience rose before the sunrise and everything seemed like it could be okay for another moment.

The gift of getting up.

This is not poetry or writing related, but I just wanted to share a quick thought. The gift to have the ability to get up and exercise is very underrated. It gets easy to take this for granted and we all have those days when we simply don’t feel like doing or are tired etc. We should remember all of those who wish/pray they could simply go to the gym, go for a walk/run but are unable to due to physical limitations/illness. Every 4th of July I run an annual 10K in Atlanta, towards the end of the race we run by the Shepherd Center which is a rehabilitation center for those who have spinal cord or brain injuries along with other injuries that may limit their mobility. Those patients come out and cheer the runners on and I always think to myself, how many of them wish they could be out here with us. So in conclusion, being able to exercise(even if that is just a walk) is a major blessing.

Forever is Really Tomorrow poetry book

My first book of poetry is now available for purchase on Amazon. I pray that you find something in it that encourages or inspires you. The link will be in the bio shortly. All thanks to God for giving me the vision and also a thanks to my wife for her support. Link posted below


poetry #amazon #foreverisreallytomorrow #writing #time #life #write #mindsets #inspiration #books #God

October writing challenge day # 24: Tinted views

Out tinted windows where everything around us is blurred, every sound feels like static
digging deep and hitting pride at the right opportunity.

We painted them darker, misinterpreting it as self preservation dissecting each and every interaction as a potential threat to our cardboard safe haven.