He who finds a wife

Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord” As husbands we should take the time to slow down from time to time and truly reflect on the goodness of God. This goes for God’s grace In generally but in this instance I’m specifically referring to the gift of our wife. As husbands and leaders of our family we naturally set the tone for the direction of our marriage, whether we realize that our not. The everyday demands of life can way us down but we have to remember that love is an action, so even in the midst of being burdened with today’s responsibilities we have to be intentional about loving and supporting our wives. There will be days we don’t “feel” like it, not because of anything they’ve done but because we’re drained from the day. Even in this we should continue to pour in into our wife and remain thankful for such a beautiful gift.

Faith beyond our understanding

I just wanted to hop on here and remind everyone that God is faithful. Even when we give up on ourselves and fail, despite us giving up on faith. God keeps working. To everyone reading this I genuinely would like to say God’s faithfulness in the midst of our internal struggles and outward faithfulness is amazing. Love you all.

Forever and some change

It’s been about a year in a half since I published my first book of poetry. I appreciate everyone who made a purchase and supported. I am currently in the process of writing my next book, taking my time and letting the thoughts flow freely. As I spend more time in God’s word and write I am discovering many things.